Sad day------after personally defending the PTA President twice this week:
Phone call, late in the afternoon on the last day to turn in ticket orders that I am processing (because I was coercively manipulated into doing this job for the PTA---see my previous blog posts):
Me: Hello
'Betty'(PTA Pres.): Hey, how is it going with organizing the ticket sales?
Me: (putting on a happy face, trying to be positive) Great, I am all caught up, just have the last few orders that came home with my child today.
Betty: Good. I was calling because someone called today to see if you needed help. You have done such a great job with this you will be asked to do more things.
Thoughts swarming in my head right about now: Glad to be offered help on the last hour of the last day. And: What? Am I 10? Do you think I am going to fall for that line of crap? (insert syrupy, overly animated tone of voice here) "Your so good at this we need you........"=You are so good at folding the laundry dear, you get to do it from now on!---ha!!! No good deed goes unpunished!
Betty: Another mom has spent some time brainstorming on our next venture but, while she has such creative ideas she cannot go out and shop for the necessary items and put it all together. So you and I can get together next week and kick it out. (Notice, she did not ask me; she stated that we would be doing this together next week. I find this cohersive and manipulative---at best!!)
5 seconds of loud, awkward silence
My emotions: Anger/Disgust/Anguish/Disgust/Disbelief..........
Me: I got my fill this past week. (it was all I could muster up after being put on the spot by the very woman I had defended earlier in the week; do you think that's going to happen again???)
Betty: Well, you should have said you were overwhelmed not, 'I'm doing great and I'm all caught up.'
Me: I'm caught up because I worked on it every single day.
Betty: Well, I guess we will get this next event taken care of somehow.
Me: Yeah, I guess............
And, with the heaviness felt by both parties even over the phone lines, we said our goodbyes.
I promptly went to the PTA FB page and opted out of the group. I do not want to be associated. I don't want my friends afraid to pick up the phone when I call them. I don't want to be that mom.
Friday, October 18, 2013
I Don't Want to be a Party to This!
Okay, so I have been trudging along doing the job the 'committee' commited me to. Just put on my happy face and did what they asked (even put up with their micro managing!).
But, then I get an email asking for me to share the names of all the people that have purchased tickets to the event that is being organized stating, 'if they are going to be there, they can volunteer!' (and they added the exclamation point, not me). Knowing how I feel about this new wave of coercive volunteer recruitment you can imagine the conflict I felt. I have a philosophical issue with essentially putting a target on my fellow parents' heads. I was physically ill. I did not want to be a party to this. Just last week, when I was at the school helping organize (because a friend actually asked me straight forward for help---leaving it a voluntary decision on my part to participate or not---imagine!) I overheard another mother expressing her dismay that she a friend had actually volunteered her to help. And the mom she was speaking to stating that they are now pitting moms against other moms (have you heard that somewhere before?----I'm not making this stuff up!). Later that day the mom that was expressing her frustration got into an altercation at the school with the very mom that threw her under the bus. It has come to this: The PTA is affecting our relationships with our very support system! And now, I am faced with being that mom. Again, I am physically ill over this.............
But, then I get an email asking for me to share the names of all the people that have purchased tickets to the event that is being organized stating, 'if they are going to be there, they can volunteer!' (and they added the exclamation point, not me). Knowing how I feel about this new wave of coercive volunteer recruitment you can imagine the conflict I felt. I have a philosophical issue with essentially putting a target on my fellow parents' heads. I was physically ill. I did not want to be a party to this. Just last week, when I was at the school helping organize (because a friend actually asked me straight forward for help---leaving it a voluntary decision on my part to participate or not---imagine!) I overheard another mother expressing her dismay that she a friend had actually volunteered her to help. And the mom she was speaking to stating that they are now pitting moms against other moms (have you heard that somewhere before?----I'm not making this stuff up!). Later that day the mom that was expressing her frustration got into an altercation at the school with the very mom that threw her under the bus. It has come to this: The PTA is affecting our relationships with our very support system! And now, I am faced with being that mom. Again, I am physically ill over this.............
Friday, September 20, 2013
Stay at Home Moms are not the school's free workforce!
Okay, when I sat down to type this post I thought I had so much to say on the subject. But, I think the title pretty much says it all.............
When I decided to give up my career and to stay home with my first born it was a financial sacrifice. I try to offset this sacrifice by saving money where I can. We do not have a maid----I am home so I clean my house. We rarely eat out---I can grocery shop during the day and plans meals for the family. I have the time to be a savvy shopper and get the best deals for the items we need. My husband fixes things himself around the house and does all the landscaping/yardwork as well as maintains the vehicles. Time and energy are commodities in our household and we are on a strict budget for both resources!
We do not have family close so my husband and I have not been able to take a vacation alone together since we became parents over 13 years ago. We do not have built in help taking care of the kids. My only respite has been while the kids are in school. I run my errands, clean my home, plan dinners etc during that time. And, most days I have an hour or so all my own before the kids get home and the homework and activities begin before and after dinner at which point I start on lunches for the next day (that is, after I go through the backpack, sign the necessary documents and recyclethe most rest of it). I just finished cleaning all the toilets, scrubbing down a shower, baking a loaf of banana bread for the family, sewing a button back onto a pair of my son's shorts and I am tired. So, no---I don't really want to spend time down at the school if it isn't absolutely necessary. What makes the school think we would jump at the chance to come down there and work for free?! If I wanted to work I would do so, and collect a paycheck for it---like the teachers, staff and administrators do at the school.
So please, stop sending out emails asking if we are bored yet because you have a 'volunteer opportunity' for me. BTW, you're not fooling any of us with this new term. The word opportunity implies your'e doing us a favor, ha! Actually, it's kind of insulting............
So stop insisting on things like putting up an eyesore of a marquee in our neighborhood (that was rendered obsolete prior to even purchasing it due to technology: mass emails and mass recorded phone calls) claiming that, "It will be okay, we will just have a parent volunteer change the messages." Hint: If your staff doesn't want to do it, most likely we don't want to do it either!
We are not stay at home moms to merely be at your beck and call whenever there is something that you would like to have done.
Stop trying to tell us, "Your kids are going to be so happy to see you in their school!" We aren't buying it Mr/Mrs School Administrator! Where you got the idea that we are your free workforce is beyond me. And that you have perpetuated it to such an extreme is obscene!!
You need to be asking yourself some serious questions. Like, why is volunteerism down? What is my part in this? Why have the parents become resentful? The ones that volunteer all the time are even becoming resentful of those of us that realized early on: volunteering is a choice, I can say NO! For my sanity, for my happiness, for balance in my family and life in general.
Let's take a look at the word volunteer:
When I decided to give up my career and to stay home with my first born it was a financial sacrifice. I try to offset this sacrifice by saving money where I can. We do not have a maid----I am home so I clean my house. We rarely eat out---I can grocery shop during the day and plans meals for the family. I have the time to be a savvy shopper and get the best deals for the items we need. My husband fixes things himself around the house and does all the landscaping/yardwork as well as maintains the vehicles. Time and energy are commodities in our household and we are on a strict budget for both resources!
We do not have family close so my husband and I have not been able to take a vacation alone together since we became parents over 13 years ago. We do not have built in help taking care of the kids. My only respite has been while the kids are in school. I run my errands, clean my home, plan dinners etc during that time. And, most days I have an hour or so all my own before the kids get home and the homework and activities begin before and after dinner at which point I start on lunches for the next day (that is, after I go through the backpack, sign the necessary documents and recycle
So please, stop sending out emails asking if we are bored yet because you have a 'volunteer opportunity' for me. BTW, you're not fooling any of us with this new term. The word opportunity implies your'e doing us a favor, ha! Actually, it's kind of insulting............
So stop insisting on things like putting up an eyesore of a marquee in our neighborhood (that was rendered obsolete prior to even purchasing it due to technology: mass emails and mass recorded phone calls) claiming that, "It will be okay, we will just have a parent volunteer change the messages." Hint: If your staff doesn't want to do it, most likely we don't want to do it either!
We are not stay at home moms to merely be at your beck and call whenever there is something that you would like to have done.
Stop trying to tell us, "Your kids are going to be so happy to see you in their school!" We aren't buying it Mr/Mrs School Administrator! Where you got the idea that we are your free workforce is beyond me. And that you have perpetuated it to such an extreme is obscene!!
You need to be asking yourself some serious questions. Like, why is volunteerism down? What is my part in this? Why have the parents become resentful? The ones that volunteer all the time are even becoming resentful of those of us that realized early on: volunteering is a choice, I can say NO! For my sanity, for my happiness, for balance in my family and life in general.
Let's take a look at the word volunteer:
- 1.a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task.
synonyms: subject, participant, case, patient; More
- 1.freely offer to do something.
- By definition, free will is implied in volunteering. Please stop the coercive nature of recruiting volunteers and furthermore, stop the expectation that every parent should be involved at the school. I know everyone's situation is different. And some parents really enjoy being there and or being in charge. More power to them. But, I beg you, please be cognizant of what you are asking of all of us; of how your expectation of volunteers is growing year to year. And stop the insanity!
Oh, the INSANITY!!
I created this blog as a forum to share my feelings anonymously without fear of backlash, retaliation, judgement, incessant whispering in the corner, well, you get my drift. This blog is purely my perspective and opinion. It is meant solely as a place to vent (to free up my husband and other best friend from their role as sounding board): It is a monologue, not a dialog! I will not entertain ongoing conversations here. You are free to have differing opinions and perspective----and I urge you to express them in your very own blog or forum. But this blog is all about me and how I feel and see things. Please take it for entertainment value only. While comments are not prohibited they will be monitored for approval prior to being published. With that being said, don’t waste your time trying to provoke a debate, offer advice, tell me what to do.
Preface: I know I am responsible for keeping my thoughts and opinions to myself. And for keeping my feelings pent up for all these school years. This is my perspective and experience. I do not wish to offend anyone, just vent about my experiences and hopefully, entertain those that can relate (and perhaps feel less alone in their journey).
Okay, so I have finally reached my breaking point here. My youngest child has just begun their final year of elementary school. And, maybe a bit selfishly, I was looking forward to a year of 'lasts'. Last time at 'meet the teacher', last fall event, last teacher appreciation week, etc, etc. I was going to lay low, make it a relaxing, enjoyable last year for me and my youngest child.
AND I WAS HAPPY.........
But, noooooo------it has come to this: The pitting of mom against mom, neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend-----all under the pretense of it being "for the children". Okay, so I am getting way ahead of myself here and just letting my emotions take over as I am typing. Allow me to back up here a minute and give you some background so you can better see where I am coming from before I share the story.
We live in a nicer middle class neighborhood in a very wealthy county. We have been involved with the current elementary school since 2005 when my oldest child began kindergarten there. Okay, all you moms out there know that your first born is kinda your guinea pig----the one you just have to wing it with because each experience is new for you and your child. With that being said, my child and I began this new adventure into the public school system together. And so, the very thinly sliced trees, dyed in bright colors, decorated with pretty little black text started arriving in stacks via the backpack. The endless fundraising and begging for volunteers ensued. And yet, I was still HAPPY.
While there have been numerous frustrating circumstances and instances during my experience at the school thus far, I am choosing to highlight only a few of them: Early on I became a room mom---sharing the job with another mother. The teacher had stated that she needed a parent every Friday to help tutor students that were behind. I ended up doing that task for her every week. I would show up and sit at a side table with 3 to 5 kids and try to help them with whatever assignments they needed to catch up on. All the while, she would stand in the corner and whisper with the resource teacher. Being a newer parent to the school I chose to just grin and bare it until the school year ended rather than rock the boat. When it came to teacher appreciation week, the other room mom and I had arranged gifts for her and were planning on having the students present them to her at the end of the week (the PTA was doing special things throughout the week for the teachers). Apparently we were supposed to have given her gifts daily which I was unaware of, being a new parent there. The teacher took it upon herself to slam us to a PTA official and the information quickly made it to our ears. Imagine how bad we felt and frustrated we were since we did indeed organize gifts for he--she just hadn't gotten them yet. This was just the beginning of how my feelings and perceptions were being shaped.........
Maybe this isn't happening all across middle class America, but at our elementary EVERYTHING seems to be run by volunteers (including changing the message on the school marquee, which will be a completely separate story for a future post here I can assure you!). So, there are constant emails and notes coming home requesting help with this and that and everything in between. After receiving such an email urgently asking for volunteers I signed up to help. Shortly thereafter, though, I received an invitation to attend an event to meet some neighborhood moms which was scheduled simultaneously. While it made me sad to give up this opportunity, I was already committed to the school so I showed up to volunteer. Unfortunately, once I got to the school all the helpers just stood around, no help was truly needed. At the time, I just brushed it off and thought, oh well, next time. Of course shortly there after I received yet another email stating that the school was desperate for help with the hearing and vision testing, could I just spare an hour or two to lend a hand? I signed right up!! And, wouldn't you know, there was a back to school brunch for moms slated for that exact time. I had to give up another event just to volunteer at the school. I tried to maintain a good attitude when I reported for duty. But, once I got there I was told to walk around to the stations and see if they needed me. Of course, all the slots were filled and they didn't need me after all. Okay, so I know the saying goes, "Once bitten, twice shy" but I am either a slow learner or a glutton for punishment. Either way, now my motto was "Thrice bitten, forever shy!" At this point I was feeling pretty helpless. And, what do you do when you feel helpless? You find a way to empower yourself. I vowed to pick and choose when and what I was willing to do for the school. I wanted to make sure I was still giving to the school and helping to make sure the students needs were being met. I continued to contribute to whatever the teacher requested for classroom supplies and whatever the room moms wanted or needed for parties and teacher gifts. I felt no gratification in having a physical presence at the school but I'd come to different parties and help out---when it was convenient for me. I'd help teachers with copying and cutting things out for projects. I would help make scrapbooks as keepsakes for teachers, help put together baskets to be auctioned as a fundraiser, made homebaked goodies for the cake walk and again for the teachers during the holidays, donate drinks to be sold back to us at the Fall event (to be mentioned in further detail in yet another future post I am quite sure!), donated items for a silent auction,and on and on, all on my terms though, AND I WAS HAPPY. A happy mom helps to make a happy family. And that is what this journey is all about: Creating balance in a happy, fulfilling life with my family. I could say no and would say no to what didn't work for me. It was incredibly liberating----empowering even!! And it was working---for years, at least until this week, the beginning of the final year of our involvement with elementary school!! So now I will get back to my opening story here.
At the end of last school year and the first couple weeks of school this year I have heard mention here and there that volunteerism was declining. Doesn't that beg the question, "WHY?" While I had very specific thoughts on the subject, I chose not to contribute them to these conversations. After all, I am pretty much out the door. I have held my tongue this long, what would I hope to gain if I let all my frustrations out now, right? So I just walked on...........
This week I got a cold call-----a mom stating that there had been a committee meeting and my name had been brought up. And they had discussed a "volunteer opportunity" (the new word of late used by the school system) that they would like me to commit to. Flustered at being put on the spot and annoyed at the notion that my name was part of a discussion and a job was predetermined for me, I just said, 'okay' (with a shrug of my shoulders in gesture of defeat) but I needed to get off the phone because I was on another call (the truth). Okay, so my feelings brewed for a bit. I don't know what was making me more upset---that I didn't get to pick and choose what I wanted to do? That, in my absence, others had taken it upon themselves to give me a job? That it had come to this----moms throwing out names of other moms to volunteer----essentially throwing one another under the bus!? And then cold calling them, guilting them into it. I find it just so coercive in nature. I had seen this tactic before by the school, but not from my friends and neighbors, not other moms---my support system. The school had conducted fundraisers where kids could earn prizes (and my kids thought they would actually win that IPAD) and ChuckECheese would show up a the school handing out stickers for free tokens----making the kids cry when they couldn't go that night. Using our children as pawns in their pursuit of money. Actually, I have seen the school do much worse, but I digress..............(very interesting story----will put in a future post).
So, after an hour or so, I ran into another mom that is fairly active at the school. I had in the back of my mind thought she may have been one of the moms at the committee meeting. I asked her how the meeting went---ready to pounce if she was the one that "mentioned" my name. She explained that she was not involved in that committee. She smiled and said(and she inserted air quotes here), "Your friends (end air quotes) did that." And she indicated who she meant. Okay, now I've felt suckered punched---for the second time in one day. After gulping hard, wiping the figurative egg off my face, I took a step back. Did I feel more anger? I don't know. A swirl of mixed emotions is what I felt. And that is what continued in my gut for that evening and on and off all night as I woke several times. Going through the gamete of emotions: anger to betrayal to just plain hurt. After all, these ladies I trust, I respect, I genuinely enjoy as human beings. They are my friends, right? My support system..........Why would they feel it necessary to be so coercive about volunteering? What is happening in this school? Where is all the pressure coming from???? What is this compelling force that would cause the very people that you love and cherish to act in this manner? So willing to force you to be involved??? What is more important than friendship? Than loyalty? And now that the raw emotion has died down, replaced by confusion and questions, I'm still searching for these answers.................and I know it's not because everyone feels the need to do it "for the children".
Just let me be HAPPY..............
Post script:
Before all those that love to volunteer get all offended----I appreciate what you do for your school, your children, your teachers, your community. I just don't get the same pleasure or satisfaction from being at the school like you do. If you continue to read my posts you will see that this is not about not wanting to be charitable or help out. Alternatively, you could just choose not to read my blog at all.............
Oh, and while writing this post I received an email titled: "Calling all Volunteers".......the irony.
I created this blog as a forum to share my feelings anonymously without fear of backlash, retaliation, judgement, incessant whispering in the corner, well, you get my drift. This blog is purely my perspective and opinion. It is meant solely as a place to vent (to free up my husband and other best friend from their role as sounding board): It is a monologue, not a dialog! I will not entertain ongoing conversations here. You are free to have differing opinions and perspective----and I urge you to express them in your very own blog or forum. But this blog is all about me and how I feel and see things. Please take it for entertainment value only. While comments are not prohibited they will be monitored for approval prior to being published. With that being said, don’t waste your time trying to provoke a debate, offer advice, tell me what to do.
Preface: I know I am responsible for keeping my thoughts and opinions to myself. And for keeping my feelings pent up for all these school years. This is my perspective and experience. I do not wish to offend anyone, just vent about my experiences and hopefully, entertain those that can relate (and perhaps feel less alone in their journey).
Okay, so I have finally reached my breaking point here. My youngest child has just begun their final year of elementary school. And, maybe a bit selfishly, I was looking forward to a year of 'lasts'. Last time at 'meet the teacher', last fall event, last teacher appreciation week, etc, etc. I was going to lay low, make it a relaxing, enjoyable last year for me and my youngest child.
AND I WAS HAPPY.........
But, noooooo------it has come to this: The pitting of mom against mom, neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend-----all under the pretense of it being "for the children". Okay, so I am getting way ahead of myself here and just letting my emotions take over as I am typing. Allow me to back up here a minute and give you some background so you can better see where I am coming from before I share the story.
We live in a nicer middle class neighborhood in a very wealthy county. We have been involved with the current elementary school since 2005 when my oldest child began kindergarten there. Okay, all you moms out there know that your first born is kinda your guinea pig----the one you just have to wing it with because each experience is new for you and your child. With that being said, my child and I began this new adventure into the public school system together. And so, the very thinly sliced trees, dyed in bright colors, decorated with pretty little black text started arriving in stacks via the backpack. The endless fundraising and begging for volunteers ensued. And yet, I was still HAPPY.
While there have been numerous frustrating circumstances and instances during my experience at the school thus far, I am choosing to highlight only a few of them: Early on I became a room mom---sharing the job with another mother. The teacher had stated that she needed a parent every Friday to help tutor students that were behind. I ended up doing that task for her every week. I would show up and sit at a side table with 3 to 5 kids and try to help them with whatever assignments they needed to catch up on. All the while, she would stand in the corner and whisper with the resource teacher. Being a newer parent to the school I chose to just grin and bare it until the school year ended rather than rock the boat. When it came to teacher appreciation week, the other room mom and I had arranged gifts for her and were planning on having the students present them to her at the end of the week (the PTA was doing special things throughout the week for the teachers). Apparently we were supposed to have given her gifts daily which I was unaware of, being a new parent there. The teacher took it upon herself to slam us to a PTA official and the information quickly made it to our ears. Imagine how bad we felt and frustrated we were since we did indeed organize gifts for he--she just hadn't gotten them yet. This was just the beginning of how my feelings and perceptions were being shaped.........
Maybe this isn't happening all across middle class America, but at our elementary EVERYTHING seems to be run by volunteers (including changing the message on the school marquee, which will be a completely separate story for a future post here I can assure you!). So, there are constant emails and notes coming home requesting help with this and that and everything in between. After receiving such an email urgently asking for volunteers I signed up to help. Shortly thereafter, though, I received an invitation to attend an event to meet some neighborhood moms which was scheduled simultaneously. While it made me sad to give up this opportunity, I was already committed to the school so I showed up to volunteer. Unfortunately, once I got to the school all the helpers just stood around, no help was truly needed. At the time, I just brushed it off and thought, oh well, next time. Of course shortly there after I received yet another email stating that the school was desperate for help with the hearing and vision testing, could I just spare an hour or two to lend a hand? I signed right up!! And, wouldn't you know, there was a back to school brunch for moms slated for that exact time. I had to give up another event just to volunteer at the school. I tried to maintain a good attitude when I reported for duty. But, once I got there I was told to walk around to the stations and see if they needed me. Of course, all the slots were filled and they didn't need me after all. Okay, so I know the saying goes, "Once bitten, twice shy" but I am either a slow learner or a glutton for punishment. Either way, now my motto was "Thrice bitten, forever shy!" At this point I was feeling pretty helpless. And, what do you do when you feel helpless? You find a way to empower yourself. I vowed to pick and choose when and what I was willing to do for the school. I wanted to make sure I was still giving to the school and helping to make sure the students needs were being met. I continued to contribute to whatever the teacher requested for classroom supplies and whatever the room moms wanted or needed for parties and teacher gifts. I felt no gratification in having a physical presence at the school but I'd come to different parties and help out---when it was convenient for me. I'd help teachers with copying and cutting things out for projects. I would help make scrapbooks as keepsakes for teachers, help put together baskets to be auctioned as a fundraiser, made homebaked goodies for the cake walk and again for the teachers during the holidays, donate drinks to be sold back to us at the Fall event (to be mentioned in further detail in yet another future post I am quite sure!), donated items for a silent auction,and on and on, all on my terms though, AND I WAS HAPPY. A happy mom helps to make a happy family. And that is what this journey is all about: Creating balance in a happy, fulfilling life with my family. I could say no and would say no to what didn't work for me. It was incredibly liberating----empowering even!! And it was working---for years, at least until this week, the beginning of the final year of our involvement with elementary school!! So now I will get back to my opening story here.
At the end of last school year and the first couple weeks of school this year I have heard mention here and there that volunteerism was declining. Doesn't that beg the question, "WHY?" While I had very specific thoughts on the subject, I chose not to contribute them to these conversations. After all, I am pretty much out the door. I have held my tongue this long, what would I hope to gain if I let all my frustrations out now, right? So I just walked on...........
This week I got a cold call-----a mom stating that there had been a committee meeting and my name had been brought up. And they had discussed a "volunteer opportunity" (the new word of late used by the school system) that they would like me to commit to. Flustered at being put on the spot and annoyed at the notion that my name was part of a discussion and a job was predetermined for me, I just said, 'okay' (with a shrug of my shoulders in gesture of defeat) but I needed to get off the phone because I was on another call (the truth). Okay, so my feelings brewed for a bit. I don't know what was making me more upset---that I didn't get to pick and choose what I wanted to do? That, in my absence, others had taken it upon themselves to give me a job? That it had come to this----moms throwing out names of other moms to volunteer----essentially throwing one another under the bus!? And then cold calling them, guilting them into it. I find it just so coercive in nature. I had seen this tactic before by the school, but not from my friends and neighbors, not other moms---my support system. The school had conducted fundraisers where kids could earn prizes (and my kids thought they would actually win that IPAD) and ChuckECheese would show up a the school handing out stickers for free tokens----making the kids cry when they couldn't go that night. Using our children as pawns in their pursuit of money. Actually, I have seen the school do much worse, but I digress..............(very interesting story----will put in a future post).
So, after an hour or so, I ran into another mom that is fairly active at the school. I had in the back of my mind thought she may have been one of the moms at the committee meeting. I asked her how the meeting went---ready to pounce if she was the one that "mentioned" my name. She explained that she was not involved in that committee. She smiled and said(and she inserted air quotes here), "Your friends (end air quotes) did that." And she indicated who she meant. Okay, now I've felt suckered punched---for the second time in one day. After gulping hard, wiping the figurative egg off my face, I took a step back. Did I feel more anger? I don't know. A swirl of mixed emotions is what I felt. And that is what continued in my gut for that evening and on and off all night as I woke several times. Going through the gamete of emotions: anger to betrayal to just plain hurt. After all, these ladies I trust, I respect, I genuinely enjoy as human beings. They are my friends, right? My support system..........Why would they feel it necessary to be so coercive about volunteering? What is happening in this school? Where is all the pressure coming from???? What is this compelling force that would cause the very people that you love and cherish to act in this manner? So willing to force you to be involved??? What is more important than friendship? Than loyalty? And now that the raw emotion has died down, replaced by confusion and questions, I'm still searching for these answers.................and I know it's not because everyone feels the need to do it "for the children".
Just let me be HAPPY..............
Post script:
Before all those that love to volunteer get all offended----I appreciate what you do for your school, your children, your teachers, your community. I just don't get the same pleasure or satisfaction from being at the school like you do. If you continue to read my posts you will see that this is not about not wanting to be charitable or help out. Alternatively, you could just choose not to read my blog at all.............
Oh, and while writing this post I received an email titled: "Calling all Volunteers".......the irony.
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