Friday, October 18, 2013

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Sad day------after personally defending the PTA President twice this week:

Phone call, late in the afternoon on the last day to turn in ticket orders that I am processing (because I was coercively manipulated into doing this job for the PTA---see my previous blog posts):

Me: Hello

'Betty'(PTA Pres.):  Hey, how is it going with organizing the ticket sales?

Me:  (putting on a happy face, trying to be positive) Great, I am all caught up, just have the last few orders that came home with my child today.

Betty:  Good.  I was calling because someone called today to see if you needed help. You have done such a great job with this you will be asked to do more things.

Thoughts swarming in my head right about now:  Glad to be offered help on the last hour of the last day.  And: What?  Am I 10?  Do you think I am going to fall for that line of crap?  (insert syrupy, overly animated tone of voice here) "Your so good at this we need you........"=You are so good at folding the laundry dear, you get to do it from now on!---ha!!! No good deed goes unpunished!

Betty:  Another mom has spent some time brainstorming on our next venture but, while she has such creative ideas she cannot go out and shop for the necessary items and put it all together.  So you and I can get together next week and kick it out. (Notice, she did not ask me; she stated that we would be doing this together next week.  I find this cohersive and manipulative---at best!!)

5 seconds of loud, awkward silence

My emotions:  Anger/Disgust/Anguish/Disgust/Disbelief..........

Me:  I got my fill this past week. (it was all I could muster up after being put on the spot by the very woman I had defended earlier in the week; do you think that's going to happen again???)

Betty:  Well, you should have said you were overwhelmed not, 'I'm doing great and I'm all caught up.'

Me:  I'm caught up because I worked on it every single day.

Betty:  Well, I guess we will get this next event taken care of somehow.

Me: Yeah, I guess............

And, with the heaviness felt by both parties even over the phone lines, we said our goodbyes.

I promptly went to the PTA FB page and opted out of the group.  I do not want to be associated.  I don't want my friends afraid to pick up the phone when I call them.  I don't want to be that mom.

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I created this blog as a forum to share my feelings anonymously without fear of backlash, retaliation, judgement, incessant whispering in the corner, well, you get my drift. This blog is purely my perspective and opinion. It is meant solely as a place to vent (to free up my husband and other best friend from their role as sounding board): It is a monologue, not a dialog! I will not entertain ongoing conversations here. You are free to have differing opinions and perspective----and I urge you to express them in your very own blog or forum. But this blog is all about me and how I feel and see things. Please take it for entertainment value only. While comments are not prohibited they will be monitored for approval prior to being published. With that being said, don’t waste your time trying to provoke a debate.